The test benches were used to test composite samples with reference to MIL-STD-810, which defines standards for the ability of materials to withstand environmental conditions. This standard describes test procedures to assess resistance to a variety of environmental factors.
The aim of the tests was to demonstrate that the tested composite materials are capable of operating in a variety of operating conditions as intended. With reference to the MIL-STD-810 standard, the following was carried out:
- Rain test – testing the effect of humidity on the composite’s strength and water-induced degradation
- Wind test – analysis of the composite’s resistance to wind pressure
- Bending test – evaluation of the composite’s resistance to bending-induced stresses
- Wave impact test – verification of the composite’s behaviour during sea wave impacts
- Ice test – verification of the effect of ice cover on the structure and functionality of the composite
- Shock test – verification of the response of the composite to shock or vibration.
Our company specialises in building test benches and carrying out tests according to standards and individual customer requirements.